How to Make Money from Your Blog


Either directly through your blog or indirectly through it, you can generate money. Since your blog is a portfolio of your thoughts, ideas, and abilities, it makes more sense to make money directly in the “direct” choice by showing adverts to your readers or selling affiliate products than indirectly in the other scenario.

You can either partner with already-existing advertising programmes (like Google Adsense, Chitika, etc.) or get in touch with potential advertisers directly (for example, if you have a well-known blog about sports shoes, Nike or Reebok might be interested in showing their products to your readers).

We’ll talk about the well-known advertising schemes first, and then we’ll offer a few alternative ideas for making money from your site.

The first company to advertise on blogs was BlogAds. In general, blog advertisements offer good payouts and give you the freedom to select which ads appear on your blog. The fact that BlogAds offer a fixed payout regardless of the amount of site visits is another significant benefit. The drawback is that you can only join the BlogAds network once you have a sizable amount of website traffic and sponsors that are prepared to support you. For a brand-new blog, that might be a major demand, but existing bloggers should take into account BlogAds, provided they can find sponsors.

Google is the most significant and well-known player in online advertising. Because it provides contextual adverts, their Google Adsense programme is incredibly well-liked. To provide contextual ads, Google spiders scan the content of the website on which Google adverts would be placed and then display ads based on the context of the content. Because website users are more curious to learn about products that are relevant to the content they are reading, contextual ads give very strong returns. A person reading about vehicles, for instance, will be more interested in adverts for auto loans than in those for programmes like Microsoft Office. Only relevant adverts are displayed to site visitors according to Google algorithms.

It’s quite easy to add Google Adsense advertising to your blog. The only prerequisite is that your blog should not discuss subjects like gambling, piracy, or sexual material. There are absolutely no other prerequisites, such as acquiring sponsors, site traffic numbers, or geographic location. Once you meet the requirements, applying only requires one step. The following day, Google experts analyse your website and offer you a short “ad code” that you can embed in your blog. Ads begin to appear almost quickly.

You have the option of “Pay per Click” or “Pay per Impression” for Google Ads. You can view your earnings since the day’s beginning at any time of the day thanks to their nearly real-time reporting system. You may essentially write on any topic, and Google will discover related advertising for you because it has the largest advertiser pool. Additionally, Google Adsense is better suited for Indian publishers because it provides monthly payment checks in Indian Rupees, saving you the cost of bank commissions for transactions outside of India. Highly suggested.

Chitika is another participant, albeit a new one. Since Chitika shows products from, Chitika Comparison Shopping Ads are typically more popular on product-related sites that write about gadgets, clothing, and software. Chitika Ads, often referred to as Chitika eMiniMalls, are displayed in an interactive ad unit. One may compare prices from other retailers, read a product’s key features, and even conduct a shopping database search all from within one ad.

Chitika is renowned for providing strong profits, however there is a downside. Chitika won’t pay you for traffic from India, Pakistan, and several other countries, despite the fact that anyone can apply for their plan. Thus, the website owner won’t profit if a user from India hits a Chitika advertisement. Websites with a large US or UK user base may want to examine Chitika as a viable option.

Other well-known site-targeted non-contextual advertising initiatives include TextLinkAds and Adbrite. They are quite popular with sexual content, gambling, and file transferring websites like Megaupload and Rapidshare. These programmes’ adaptability and low entrance requirements account for their popularity; an advertiser can opt to run an ad on your website for one day or perhaps seven days and instantly compute the conversion ratio. There are no other bidders, and the advertisement will run on the blogger’s website without fail. These programmes are especially well-liked by insignificant marketers or those who do not adhere to the Adwords Policies. Recommended.

After looking at advertising, let’s now consider several more ways to monetize blogs.

Join as an Affiliate Affiliate programmes are offered by businesses like Amazon, ClickBank, and Commission Junction. They work like this: you advertise a product on your blog, like a book or software, your readers go to the retailer’s website, and when they make a purchase, you get a commission that can range from 5% to 50% of the sale price. Keep in mind that there is extremely little chance that a website visit will result in a product sale.

Donations – You can genuinely make good money through donations, so don’t be surprised about that. There are many “good people” on earth who are eager to contribute their wealth (maybe just 0.00001%) as long as they love reading your site and likely gain something from the content. For instance, if you wrote about a suggestion for conserving fuel and it turned out to work, people might want to send you a thank-you gift via PayPal.

One other choice is to “sell your blog as a brand”; if you are a well-known blogger with a sizable fan base, now is the time to cash in. Your followers will actually buy them if you start selling T-shirts, coffee cups, and purses with your brand on them. Here, CafePress is a well-liked option because it pays you a commission if someone makes a purchase.

Or blogs can be a terrific selling site if you can write eBooks on your favourite subjects.


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